Tag: recette

“Délicieux et rapide”, cette recette de pâtes au thon est la meilleure pour un repas pressé sans se ruiner !

Here is our recipe for tuna pasta, easy and inexpensive, already approved by very many maritons who note it 4.5/5! The pasta have long been a unavoidable French cuisine. If tradition is obviously well established in Italy, French consumers make a enormous consumption pasta. It must be said that these combine many qualities. Inexpensive et […]

Avec 3 ingrédients seulement, cette recette pour le goûter est l’une des plus simples du monde

Want to enjoy yourself without feeling guilty? We have found you a delicious healthy and balanced recipe to taste it to make with only three ingredients. Trying it is to adopt it! As soon as the time of snack rings, you put yourself behind the stoves to make delicious delicacies. Madeleines, chocolate cake, cookies … […]

J’ai essayé cette recette de tarte au citron pour un dîner, je l’ai faite 4 fois depuis, tellement elle est délicieuse

Do you want a tart as delicious and fresh as comforting? This meringue lemon pie is what you need to welcome spring! During the month of January, I wanted to take advantage of this fabulous seasonal fruit : lemon. And to take advantage of it, what could be better than a meringue lemon pie? The […]

On demande tout le temps à ma mère sa recette de gâteau au yaourt et voici son ingrédient secret

A simple ingredient is enough to make this yogurt cake even more soft and tasty. A gourmet touch that changes everything! There are recipes that we never tire of redoing, those whose smell instantly evokes from Tender childhood memories. The yogurt cake of our mothers is one of them, but with a small detail that […]

Sans sucre et sans matière grasse, cette recette de banana bread va devenir votre indispensable du goûter

This ultra -soft banana bread, without sugar or fat, combines pleasure and balance. A recipe as healthy as it is greedy, to test urgently! Soft, fragrant and terribly gourmet, the Banana Bread has everything to pleaseall the more when it lightens refined sugars and superfluous fat. This revisited version proves that it is possible to […]

La recette parfaite pour transformer votre simple pain perdu en délicieuses gaufres fourrées avec très peu d’ingrédients

Do you want to delight yourself in an original and fast way? We have developed a recipe that will please. This consists in transforming your lost bread into succulent filled waffles. Here’s how to do. You like to make all kinds of sweet recipes for breakfast, especially at the time of the weekend. And precisely […]

voici la recette top secrète de ce célèbre chef pâtissier

Fancy financiers worthy of a great pastry chef? Discover Pierre Hermé’s secret recipe and make these soft cupcakes with almonds and hazelnuts at home. Guaranteed success! You dream of baking in a Soft and golden financialworthy of a boutique by Pierre Hermé? Good news, the chef has unveiled his inractable recipe. With simple ingredients and […]

ce célèbre chef partage son secret pour réaliser la recette authentique, comme nos grands-mères

A young chef, rising star of social networks, reveals his secrets for an ultra-foundant Burgundy beef… Trained at Ferrandi school, Eloi spinning went through the kitchens of the greatest, of which Alain Ducasse at Plaza Athénée. This young Burgundy chief has become a reference on social networks. With its Gourmet and anti-gaspi recipesit seduces more […]

la recette du mille-feuille express en forme de cœur pour surprendre votre moitié

It’s Valentine’s Day. And for lovers in need of culinary ideas, we have found a delicious recipe for Mille-Feuille Express. To your aprons! Another party to celebrate at the start of the year. Whether you are in a relationship or not, you still planned to feast on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. But after having […]

Mon gâteau aux pommes de référence, j’ai partagé la recette à toute ma famille, c’est un régal

In search of a recipe that is both greedy and easy to feast at the time of snack? Here is the version of the apple cake that our Marmitons prefer. When the time is coming, it is the same catchphrase. Chocolate cake, pancakes, waffles, pancakes or even cookies … You have tested countless recipes. Why […]

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