Tag: astuce

Ce chef étoilé a une astuce ultime pour cuire les pommes de terre plus rapidement au four, ça change tout !

Want to make a simple but delicious accompaniment for your meats or fish? Potatoes in the oven are always a good idea, especially with this chef tip to cook them to perfection. The Spanish chief Martín Berasategui, awarded 11 stars in total in the Michelin guide, revealed a simple technique, but formidably effective for Reduce […]

Je suis chef 3 étoiles et voici mon astuce cuisson pour une tartiflette bien dorée

We are revealing you a star chef to cook your tartiflette to perfection and get an even more greedy result! The tartiflette East an institution. There is no need to be in the mountains to appreciate the generosity of this emblematic dish. The recipe has long been exceeded the borders of France to conquer the […]

C’est vraiment mon astuce n°1 pour gagner du temps en cuisine avec l’ail

If some people can’t stand it, others would have a hard time doing without it! Garlic is a special condiment. Here’s how to simplify your preparation. Garlic is said to be good for the heartbut also to fight against intestinal parasites. Some even give it anti-cancer properties. Whatever the case, one thing is certain: garlic […]

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