Le prix de la bouilloire Includeo de Tefal, la plus facile à utiliser du marché, passe sous les 28 euros
The Tefal Includeo range of the includeo range, designed to be as inclusive as possible, is at the lowest. It is sold at 27.99 euros while its price generally revolves around 40 euros. Tefal’s includeo kettle is a practical and quality product. This drop in prices at several merchants is an opportunity not to be […]
voici celle qu’il faudrait utiliser pour limiter les bactéries selon cette virologue
Océane Sorrel is a virologist. Today, she tackles the issue of bacteria on cutting boards. Wooden or plastic: which one to choose? You probably know Océane Sorrel, a virologist who shares fun and educational videos on social networks. She guides us to do good choices every day when it comes to hygiene issues. Of many […]