Thuringian dumplings are THE traditional potato dumpling made from grated raw potatoes, just like the ones I grew up with. These were the ones we had almost every Sunday.
Their preparation was actually a family affair. My sister and I would peel the potatoes and help Mutti grate them. Papa would squeeze them out. And then, Mutti would make the dumplings.
In Thuringia, a state in the center of Germany, it is said that, “a Sunday without dumplings is no Sunday at all.”
What German food would Mutti serve with these traditional dumplings? Almost anything with gravy. Of course, special were Roulades. With that, was sweet/sour red cabbage as a side dish.
Roast pork was another favorite. With that, Mutti often served Weisskohl . Above, I’m serving them with breaded pork chops and kale.
Another specialty Mutti had was Sauerbraten. Now that was a treat with these dumplings. This was a meal that Mutti would plan days in advance. The meat was always tender and the delicious gravy was so-o-o good with these potato dumplings.
My memories of making these …
I remember spending hours with my Mom making her Thuringer klosse. My job? Peeling pounds and pounds of potatoes!
This, however, is not a pleasant memory.
Papa had built a potato storage bin in the basement under the stairs. (As a child, the basement was my least favorite spot in the house!) Since the potatoes were already down there, and peeling can be a messy job, the laundry tubs in the basement were the place to do this.
Pounds and pounds of potatoes.
Or so it seemed. It was probably only about 10 pounds at a time, but for me, it seemed endless. Then grating them (OUCH – the fingers!). Then Papa, the strong one, was responsible for squeezing the grated potatoes to remove as much liquid as possible.
Then came mixing them with the other ingredients. Finally, they were ready to be cooked. A long process indeed! BUT I LOVED TO EAT THEM!!
Why are the two recipes below so different?
… because there is no ONE recipe for any dish, unless of course it’s been copyrighted by someone. Traditional means ‘handed-down’ and my Mutti’s recipe was handed down in her family … and others have the ‘same’ recipe handed down in their family … called the same thing, but a totally different recipe.
For example, there is no ‘ONE traditional German potato salad’ … rather there are as many traditional German potato salads as there are Omas!
So, if you’re trying to replicate something you’ve eaten, ask that person for their recipe. If that’s not possible, you may need to try various recipes, called the same thing, to get what you remember. On my site, you’ll find things that are traditional for me, handed down by my Mutti and Oma. 🙂
Ready to make these Thuringian potato dumplings?
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Oma’s Thüringer Klösse – Potato Dumplings Made Raw Grated Potatoes
Thuringian dumplings are authentic German potato dumplings made from grated raw potatoes. Traditionally served with Roulades and its gravy.
In Thuringia, a state in the center of Germany, it is said that, “a Sunday without dumplings is no Sunday at all.”
Prep Time60 minutes | Cook Time25 minutes | Total Time85 minutes |
Makes 4 servings
- 2¼ pounds (1 kilogram) potatoes, Yukon Gold
- 1 cup (240 milliliters) milk
- 4 tablespoons (56 grams) butter, divided
- 3½ teaspoons (21 grams) salt, divided
- 4 tablespoons (45 grams) Cream of Wheat (plain farina or semolina)
- 2 slices white bread (day old)
- 4 tablespoons (40 grams) potato starch, as needed
- Make croutons by cutting bread into small cubes and browning in 2 tbsp butter.
- Bring a large pot of water with 3 teaspoons salt to a boil. Cover and keep at a low simmer.
- Bring milk to boil in a small pot. Add ½ teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons butter, and Cream of Wheat. Simmer and stir until mixture forms a ball and leaves sides of pan. Remove from heat and cover to keep warm.
- Peel and grate potatoes into a large bowl of cold water. Put grated potatoes into cheesecloth or clean kitchen towel and squeeze out as much liquid as possible, catching the liquid in a bowl.
- Dump the potatoes into another large bowl, loosening the mass with a fork. Carefully pour off the strained water from the other bowl, keeping the settled potato starch in the bowl. Scrape that starch into the bowl with the potatoes. Add the hot Cream of Wheat and mix well. Use your hands to finish mixing, adding extra potato starch if needed.
- Shape dumpling dough into large dumplings, about fist-sized (moisten hands to keep the dough from sticking), pressing 1 or 2 croutons into the middle of the dumplings.
- Gently drop into simmering salt water and simmer, uncovered, for about 15 to 20 minutes. They should be floating on top indicating that they are done.
- Remove with a slotted spoon and serve, especially with meat and gravy!
- Test cook one dumpling to make sure it stays together, before you cook the rest. If it doesn’t stay together, add a bit of potato starch.
- The best way to enjoy these is with gravy, such as from beef roulades or Sauerbraten
- See below for another recipe for Thueringer Kloesse.
* * * * *
Unless otherwise noted recipe, images and content © Just like Oma | www.quick-german-recipes.com
09.22.2024 revision update
Another recipe for Thüringer Klösse:
One of my Facebook Fans sent in his recipe for Thuringian dumplings. Here’s what Thomas Loeffler wrote:
The ingredients (and instructions) are as follows:
- ⅔ up to ¾ of potatoes to be used should be peeled, grated, and drained of as much water as possible.
- The remaining potatoes are cooked, and riced while hot.
- Meanwhile, roast some white bread cubes in butter, set aside (I usually leave them out of my dumplings).
- In the meantime, heat a large saucepan of salted water to the point of simmer.
- Mix hot riced and drained raw potatoes together, salt, and add hot milk as needed to make a dough that should be neither liquid nor too solid. Depending on moisture contents of potatoes, this could be around 250 … 300 milliliters for an original potato weight of 1500 grams.
- Divide dough, for dumplings, and add a few roasted bread cubes in center (if desired).
- Slowly let them into the simmering water, making sure they have enough room to move inside without touching neighboring dumpling.
- Depending on the type of potato used, one may have to add potato starch (from pressed potato water/juice). This comes with experience after the first few attempts.
When dumplings are floating, they are removed from hot water, drained, and served immediately with meat, gravy, and cabbage. The dumpling should be torn apart with knife and fork prior to being drenched with gravy.
I made dumplings a few times, and not every time they are a success. They easily fall apart if the mixture of potatoes and milk isn’t right.
But, practice makes perfect! 🙂 (Translation: But, practice makes perfect!)
Thanks, Thomas, for sending in your recipe!

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Oma’s Thüringer Klösse ~ Raw Potato Dumplings made Grated Potatoes
By Your Gerhild Fulson
Thüringer Klösse are THE traditional potato dumpling made from grated raw potatoes. These were my favorites that I grew up with.
Ingredients: potatoes,
Cream of Wheat,
potato flour,
For the full recipe, scroll up …
Words to the Wise
“Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors Him.”
Proverbs 14:31 (NLT)