Voici ce qui se passe dans votre corps si vous mangez des kiwis pendant 2 semaines

Two weeks of this daily fruit and your body is transformed! Discover all the incredible effects of kiwi on your health.

If you thought the kiwi was just a delicious fruit You can taste like any other fruit, prepare to be amazed. A publication on the Instagram account@remedes_sante Has highlighted her incredible benefits for health When consumed Every day for two weeks. Your body may no longer be able to do without it!

A visible effect from 24 hours on the skin

From the first day, kiwi does wonders about your skin. Thanks to its Powerful vitamin C contentit boosts the production of collagen, which makes it possible to reduce wrinkles and spots.

Less cravings

At the end of three daysyou will better manage your weight. Kiwi is indeed Rich in fiber and low in calorieswhich brings you satiety and helps you Avoid cravings. Shaken longer, you will be less subject to temptation.

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Better sleep

If you have complicated nights, hang on: a week’s endyour sleep may well improve. In question? There serotonin naturally present in the fruit, which promotes falling asleep.

A boost for immunity and heart health

From the fifth dayyour immune system is reinforced. Kiwi is a real cocktail antioxidantsperfect for Fight winter infections. Thus, by consuming kiwi every day, you will fall less sick.

After ten daysthat’s your heart Who will thank you. Thanks to its wealth in potassiumthis fruit helps regulate blood pressure and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

A top digestion after two weeks

Finally, icing on the cake: at the end of 14 daysyour digestion will be optimal. THE natural enzymes and kiwi fibers act as a natural remedy against bloating and constipation. Goodbye the little transit concerns!

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So, convinced? All you have to do is go for the supermarket and fill up kiwis To test these effects on your body. Yellow or green kiwi, both are possible, do not hesitate to alternate. As the Instagram account says@remedes_sante : Kiwi is a real super food “.

And to consume it, there is nothing simpler. You can to savor what : to the spoon, by cutting the kiwi in half, or directly by crunching insidebecause, yes, the skin is edible and full of fibers (provided you choose it organic).

Otherwise, remember to use it in yogurt topping : pieces of kiwi with a honey netof the Chia seedsof the almonds one you Dark chocolate. And perfect snacks with that good foods for health.

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Cuisine editor

After more than ten years in the food industry as a publishing manager, I continue to share what I like most through writing: cooking! Fascinated …

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