Je suis chef étoilé et voici les aliments que je recommande d’acheter chez Picard
Picard helps us on a daily basis but did you know that the chefs also take a look there? Here is what this starred chief buys! Generally, it is believed that star chefs do not use No frozen products. However, it is a received idea. Many chefs use these kinds of products to make life […]
Ce chef étoilé a une astuce ultime pour cuire les pommes de terre plus rapidement au four, ça change tout !
Want to make a simple but delicious accompaniment for your meats or fish? Potatoes in the oven are always a good idea, especially with this chef tip to cook them to perfection. The Spanish chief Martín Berasategui, awarded 11 stars in total in the Michelin guide, revealed a simple technique, but formidably effective for Reduce […]