Tag: Cest

Dimanche, c’est la fête des grands-mères ! Voici des idées de cadeaux gourmands et pratiques qui lui feront plaisir !

Grandmothers’ Day is fast approaching and you are still looking for the ideal gift? To show him all your love, nothing like a gourmet, practical or personalized present. Tea box, flowery apron, refined shortbread, kitchen accessories … Discover our selection of gift ideas that will be sure! Pour spoil her dear and tender grannynothing better […]

C’est cette enseigne qui est la moins chère en France en février 2025

Which brand displays the lowest prices in February 2025? Que Choisir analyzed more than 4,500 supermarkets and reveals its classification. In the fierce battle that supermarkets are engaged, each brand Displays his promise. “All united against expensive life”proclaimed, while U system defends “Strong values ​​and low prices”. For its part, E.Leclerc is focusing on direct […]

Mon gâteau aux pommes de référence, j’ai partagé la recette à toute ma famille, c’est un régal

In search of a recipe that is both greedy and easy to feast at the time of snack? Here is the version of the apple cake that our Marmitons prefer. When the time is coming, it is the same catchphrase. Chocolate cake, pancakes, waffles, pancakes or even cookies … You have tested countless recipes. Why […]

C’est fini pour Carrefour, voici ce qui va changer dès le 31 mars pour cette enseigne

This Tuesday, February 4, the boss of Carrefour announced on his social networks the end of paper prospectuses. An ad that must be effective from March 31. Here’s what we know. After E.Leclercit is the turn of another large distribution brand to tackle the question of “large surface” prospectus. In December 2022, Michel-Édouard Leclerc announced […]

Ma recette de crêpes préférée à la Chandeleur, elle fait l’unanimité chaque année, c’est un vrai régal

A two -tone dough that swirls in the pan and pancakes with a stunning visual … This recipe as simple as fun will cause the candlestick! Each year, at La Candleur, this recipe wins all the votes Around the table. What makes it irresistible? Her visuel originala childish simplicity to make. Far from classic pancakes, […]

Des crêpes au Airfryer ? Oui, c’est possible, et voici comment faire

On the occasion of Candlemas, did you know that it was possible to make pancakes using the Airfryer? We reveal the recipe to get there. This weekend is the candlestick! This celebration takes place exactly the February 2 For the year 2025. And on this occasion, the Marmiton editorial team has concocted many variants for […]

C’est vraiment mon astuce n°1 pour gagner du temps en cuisine avec l’ail

If some people can’t stand it, others would have a hard time doing without it! Garlic is a special condiment. Here’s how to simplify your preparation. Garlic is said to be good for the heartbut also to fight against intestinal parasites. Some even give it anti-cancer properties. Whatever the case, one thing is certain: garlic […]

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