Tag: avec

Connaissez-vous la salade “de la petite dame”, la plus facile du monde à emporter partout avec vous ?

A salad recipe clearly makes the buzz on social networks. We immediately explain what it is. Enjoy your food ! On social networks, many gourmet trends are emerging. And after catinging several types of pastries, the content creators today put forward A very specific salad. The latter is exactly called the salad “From the little […]

voici comment la préparer chez vous sans vous ruiner et cette fois-ci avec une recette de tarte

For several months, Internet users have been swelling by this famous Dubai chocolate. Well, know that we have found the recipe in the form of a pie. To your aprons! On social networks, many culinary trends are emerging. And among those who are still a sensation with gourmets, we have the Dubai chocolate tablet. The […]

Cyril Lignac revisite le célèbre œuf mimosa avec sa recette parfaite pour un repas à petits prix

The mimosa egg is an emblem of French gastronomy. And Cyril Lignac chose to revisit it in a very particular way. We’ll show you. We all know the deviled egg. This dish is generally served as a starter in the canteen. And this has been the case for many years. In catering, this recipe is […]

ce cake au citron noté 4,8/5 avec 71 commentaires est le plus populaire de Marmiton

Looking for a recipe that will serve as a dessert and snack? Let yourself be tempted by this lemon cake which will definitely change from your chocolate cake. Get your aprons on! When it comes to cakes, we are spoiled for choice at Marmiton. Our culinary repertoire is full of recipes of all kinds to […]

C’est vraiment mon astuce n°1 pour gagner du temps en cuisine avec l’ail

If some people can’t stand it, others would have a hard time doing without it! Garlic is a special condiment. Here’s how to simplify your preparation. Garlic is said to be good for the heartbut also to fight against intestinal parasites. Some even give it anti-cancer properties. Whatever the case, one thing is certain: garlic […]

Les meilleurs accompagnements à servir avec les crêpes pour la Chandeleur

Candlemas is approaching and invites creativity to your plates. Intense chocolate, melting caramel, tangy fruits or bold savory toppings, crepes are suitable for all tastes. Candlemas is approaching, and with it, the irresistible desire to enjoy pancakes. Savory or sweet, classic or revisited, they are accompanied by a endless delights. If complete (ham, cheese, egg) […]

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