Les légumes en boîte sont-ils bons pour la santé ?

Should canned vegetables be put on the menu more often? E=M6 looked into the question and here’s what you need to know.

Often considered as emergency products, canned goods could contain more profits than you think. E=M6the science show on the M6 ​​channel, set out to meet experts to understand everything about them.

The Benefits of Canned Foods

One of the main qualities of canned vegetables is their exceptional shelf life. Thanks to the canning process, they can remain perfectly edible for monthseven years.

This process is based on two key steps: sterilization, vegetables are cooked at high temperatures to eliminate bacteria, yeasts and molds responsible for food spoilage and airtight packagingthus preventing any contact with air.

This process guarantees food preservation for longer than any other process.

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Nutritionally, canned vegetables are no exception. THE fibersthese essential nutrients for intestinal transit and digestive health, remain intact after canning. The rates of vitamins and minerals decrease approximately 50%, however, some of these elements are found in the juice contained in the box. Rather than throwing it away, consider using it in your preparations by adding it to a soup or sauce.

Finally, one of the main advantages of canned goods is their practicality : they do not require neither preparation nor cooking and we find them in all seasons at affordable prices.

In conclusion, if canned vegetables do not replace fresh produce, they constitute a interesting alternativeespecially if you are short on time. Thanks to them, eating vegetables can become easier on a daily basis.

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Camille Ordonneau


For me, cooking is a passion that is passed down from generation to generation. Arrancini, lasagna, fish couscous and cannoli are part of my family culinary heritage. Specialist in “the…

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