Ce pain est le meilleur pour accompagner votre fondue savoyarde selon ce spécialiste

With bad bread, your fondue can quickly lose its charm. This specialist reveals which one to choose to combine lightness and pleasure without weighing down the plate.

The fondue a ses traditionsand among them, this little good -natured game: beware of the one whose bread dark in cheese! However, that evening, the challenge is no longer really to save your crust, but rather to overcome it. Too heavy, too densehe weighs down each bite and threatens to spoil.

A simple detail? Not at all, insists, with the Women’s Journal, Christophe Savarymaster cheese maker and owner of Freti, an essential address of Annecy for lovers of Savoyard specialties.

In his eyes, bread should not not to be chosen at randombecause he plays a key role in balance and Lightness of the fondue.

Bread, an essential ally for a successful fondue

A fondue, it is enjoyed, it is shared … and it is self -respecting. However, some errors can ruin the experience Much more surely than a crust of escaped in the cheese.

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“For pity, no crumb bread With the fondue! “specifies Christophe Savary. More than just advice, it is a warning: a bad choice of bread risk of spoiling not only pleasure, but also digestion.

So what option to turn to? Far from being a detail, the texture of the bread is crucial. “At the restaurant, we choose a bread that stands, with a fairly tight crumb, but Not too dense either : it must remain light with the fondue “specifies the expert. And the best candidate, it’s the baguette.

Good reflexes for an irresistible fondue

No question of being satisfied with a Soulless industrial version : only an artisanal wand, with a beautiful crust, is worthy of accompanying a good melted cheese.

And should it be made to reassure? “And day beforeit’s perfect “recommends Christophe Savary. Too fresh, it absorbs too much cheese and dislocates; too dry, it becomes difficult to bite and disintegrate. Result: a failed bite and a guaranteed guarantee.

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Thus, no more errors that lead the tasting ! With an artisanal wand chosen with care, with golden crust and balanced crumb, your fondue finds its lightness. No longer a question of a too soft bread that disintegrates or a too dense block which weigh down each bite.

By mastering this detail, you transform your meal into a real moment of convivialitywhere the cheese flows to perfection and where the stomach, it, don’t regret anything.

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Fostine Carracillo

Cuisine editor

An editor passionate about taste exploration, I like it as much to share my favorite recipes as to feasting on myself. Behind my pen? 100 % tested and approved content. When my heart does not …

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