Ce fruit qui contient naturellement de la mélatonine est idéal pour vous aider à mieux dormir

Difficulties to find sleep? What if a simple fruit was the key to falling asleep faster? Find out why it is your new ally for peaceful nights.

YOU Turn in circles in your bed Looking for sleep? Before jumping on sleeping pills or attempting self-hypnosis, a simple solution may well surprise you: pineapple. According to Ce exotic fruit hides a unsuspected treasure for your sleep, and it is time to give it a place in your evening routine.

Pineapple, an unexpected ally for your nights

If you are one of the millions of French Who are struggling to sleep, know that you are not alone. According to Dr. Nicolas Vitello, neurologist and sleep specialist, “We can all be subject to sleep disorder during our life. But it becomes problem when these disorders settlemultiply, and become chronic. So, rather than counting the sheep, Count on pineapple !

This fruit is full of melatoninthis famous “Sleep hormone” Who plays a key role in falling asleep. As Dave Gibson, osteopath and sleep coach explains, “This food naturally contains a good level of melatonin” and promotes production of this molecule essential. Result ? Your sleep will be faster and even more restful.

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A natural cocktail to sleep better

Pineapple is not content to be delicious, it is also A real nutritional bomb for relaxation. In addition to melatonin, it contains:

  • tryptophanan amino acid that promotes production of serotonin and melatonin,
  • magnesiumknown for his Relaxing effects on muscles and the nervous system,
  • Vitamin B6who boosts the Liberation of sleep hormones.

In other words, a simple slice of pineapple can send a strong signal to your organization : “It’s time to sleep!” In addition, experts recommend eating it 1h30 to 2 am before bedbecause the release of melatonin reaches its peak approximately two hours after consumption.

Tested and approved by sleep lovers

If you still have a doubt, listen to the advice of those who have Tested this tip. On Tiktok, Valérie Ribon, health coach, says: “Eat pineapple before going to bed gives me the best sleep of all time. “

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Of course, if your sleep disorders persist, it is better to consult your doctor or a specialist. But in the meantime, a slice of pineapple can only do you good. She could even become Your new evening routine, In addition to a good infusion. And in addition, it’s much better than a cachet!

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Cuisine editor

After more than ten years in the food industry as a publishing manager, I continue to share what I like most through writing: cooking! Fascinated …

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