Vous utilisez certainement mal votre passoire depuis des années, voici comment faire pour gagner du temps en cuisine

What if you said that you don’t use your colander in the right way? This essential accessory in any kitchen is actually much more practical than you imagine. Find out how to simplify your life by finally using your culinary equipment as it should be.

There are a lot of everyday objects that we exploit in the wrong way. The colander, this essential utensil of our kitchens is a part of it. So far, you put your colander in your sink to place the contents of your pan, right? Well, you were wrong! We explain to you to save time, avoid splashes and other food loss by using your colander appropriately.

The use of the colander: a common habit, but ineffective

For the majority of us, a colander deposits in a sink And becomes the receptacle of pasta, ravioli, rice, vegetables and other ingredients from which we want to remove excess water. And once this first step has been carried out, we again transfer its content to another container or its original pan.

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It is a daily gesture that no one would think of questioning. And yet, Food can escape In the sink, hot water can you splashing your kitchen or causing small burns superficial. And it is above all a unnecessary step which complicates our daily life.

However, what many ignore is that the colander is a simple, but ingenious object that has been designed to adapt to the pan. Indeed, most of the edges of modern colanders align perfectly with those of the pans in order to facilitate drainage. Discover the trick to make this task more Fast, secure and efficient. A welcome reminder shared by Cécile Berenguer on her Instagram account Lama.

Properly use your colander

Here is the simple method to drain your food as it should be. Take the example of spaghetti: when they are finally cooked, place your colander inside your pan, checking that the edges rest well on the sides of the pan and that they fit well.

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Then hold the ANSES OF THE PAPTEX AND THE COOR simultaneously. Finally, gently tilt the pan to evacuate the water excess into your sink. Not even need to turn it over, all the water runs away without your food trying to follow them!
Try it, you’re going to be amazed!

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Marie-Ange Fernandez


A lover of gastronomy and kitchens of the world, I am passionate about the exploration of flavors that awaken the taste buds and stimulate imagination. My love for cooking dates back to my …

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