Tag: grandsmères

Dimanche, c’est la fête des grands-mères ! Voici des idées de cadeaux gourmands et pratiques qui lui feront plaisir !

Grandmothers’ Day is fast approaching and you are still looking for the ideal gift? To show him all your love, nothing like a gourmet, practical or personalized present. Tea box, flowery apron, refined shortbread, kitchen accessories … Discover our selection of gift ideas that will be sure! Pour spoil her dear and tender grannynothing better […]

ce célèbre chef partage son secret pour réaliser la recette authentique, comme nos grands-mères

A young chef, rising star of social networks, reveals his secrets for an ultra-foundant Burgundy beef… Trained at Ferrandi school, Eloi spinning went through the kitchens of the greatest, of which Alain Ducasse at Plaza Athénée. This young Burgundy chief has become a reference on social networks. With its Gourmet and anti-gaspi recipesit seduces more […]

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