Tired of having a swollen and uncomfortable belly after meals? Discover simple and effective techniques to remedy it!
Many of us be annoyed by bloating after meals. These small inconveniences may seem harmless, but end up becoming A real embarrassment in daily life. But then, what to do to get rid of it?
Rest assured, there are solutionssome unexpected, to lighten your belly and Find your comfort. Here are any tips, approved by A professional!
A gentle solution that has proven itself
When we speak alternative medicinethe promises are often attractive, but not all hold the road. However, there are A gentle method Who, According to the expertturns out effective To relieve some intestinal disordersincluding bloating.
We are talking about Hypnosis ! This practice, sometimes shunned, can really help regulate the functioning of the intestine.
However, before you embark on this type of therapy, an essential rule is essential, According to Nathanaël: Always consult a doctor. For what ? Because a persistent bloating could be the sign of a more serious problemrequiring Adapted medical treatment.
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Identify your hidden enemies
And yes, certain foods perfectly digestible for some will not necessarily have the same impact on your digestion to you. We all have our ” Food trigger “Explains the doctor.
In some, it will be cauliflower, for others, legumes or dairy products. The key is identify these troublemakers and then be able to eliminate themor at least reduce them.
Our little advice To make your task easier: Hold a food journal For a few weeks! Note what you eat and your body’s reactions. This will help you Make the link between your meals and your bloating.
An anti-ballooning diet
To go further, there are Effective nutritional approach But who asks a little rigor : The diet poor in Fodmaps.
These famous fodmaps are compounds present in certain foods, such as fructose, lactose or glutenwho produce a lot of gas during their digestion. By reducing them, you can Largely relieve your intestine.
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Be careful however: This type of diet cannot be improvised! It is crucial to make you support by a professional, like a dieticianto avoid deficiencies and ensure that this approach suits you.
So ready to say goodbye to bloating? With these tips, a suspicion of patience and suitable support, Your belly will say thank you!
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Passionate about everything related to cooking, I love to discover new products, explore food trends and dive into European culinary traditions. Based in Brussels, I share …